Why privacy matters even if you have nothing to hide

Privacy is often threatened not by a single egregious act but by the slow accretion of a series of relatively minor acts. In this respect, privacy problems resemble certain environmental harms, which occur over time through a series of small acts by different actors. Although society is more likely to respond to a major oil spill, gradual pollution by a multitude of actors often creates worse problems.

American Traveler Dignity Act: ensure airport screeners not immune from US law

The solution to the need for security at US airports is not a government bureaucracy. The solution is to allow the private sector, preferably the airlines themselves, to provide for the security of their property. As a recent article in Forbes magazine eloquently stated, “The airlines have enormous sums of money riding on passenger safety, and the notion that a government bureaucracy has better incentives to provide safe travels than airlines with billions of dollars worth of capital and goodwill on the line strains credibility.

On Goldman

The entire financial system's integrity is gone and needs to be re-established. This case can start that process by demonstrating there is a regulator who is capable of enforcing the law.

What's what with the Goldman fraud case, and why it's important.